Maine Turtle Laws Explained: Understanding the Regulations for Keeping Turtles as Pets



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Maine is home to various turtle species, some endangered or threatened. As such, the state has laws to protect these animals and their habitats. Residents and visitors must understand these laws to avoid unintentional harm to turtles or their nests.

Sea turtles, in particular, are protected by law in all states, including Maine. Owning or commercializing sea turtles, regardless of the species, is illegal. Destroying or disturbing sea turtle nests is also prohibited. While personal use or take of non-protected turtles is allowed in Maine, any species listed as endangered or threatened is exempt from this allowance. It is crucial to be aware of these laws and regulations when interacting with turtles in Maine.

Turtle Ownership Laws in Maine

Maine Turtle Laws

Maine has strict laws regarding turtle ownership to protect the state’s native turtle populations and their habitats. It is illegal to own any of the seven sea turtle species, including Loggerhead turtles, Green sea turtles, Leatherback turtles, Hawksbill turtles, Kemp’s ridley turtles, Olive ridley turtles, and Flatback turtles. Owning an endangered turtle species without a license or permit from the state is also illegal.

Maine law states that a person may not take and possess turtles from the wild for export, sale, or commercial purposes. Blanding’s Turtle Emydoidea blandingii, Box Turtles Terrapene carolina, Spotted Turtle Clemmys guttate, and Wood Turtles Glyptemys insculpta are protected species. Additionally, the Common Musk Turtle Sternotherus odoratus, Common Snapping Turtle Chelydra serpentina, and Eastern Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta are native species not protected by law. They can be taken for personal use/take.

It is important to note that taking turtles for personal use/take is only allowed for up to two snapping turtles per person. The turtles must be taken by hand, with no gear, and cannot be sold. Bait cannot be used to lure turtles, and turtles cannot be taken during their nesting season.

If you plan on owning a turtle in Maine, it is essential to make sure that the species is legal to own and that it was not taken from the wild. Captive-bred turtles are a safer and more responsible option for turtle ownership. Additionally, it is essential to provide a safe and healthy habitat for the turtle and follow all turtle ownership regulations.

Turtle Commercialization Laws in Maine

In Maine, it is illegal to sell or commercialize in any way any of the seven sea turtle species: Loggerhead turtles, Green sea turtles, Leatherback turtles, Hawksbill turtles, Kemp’s ridley turtles, Olive ridley turtles, and Flatback turtles. Additionally, it is illegal to sell or commercialize in any way endangered or vulnerable turtle species.

However, personal use/take of non-protected turtles is allowed and legal in Maine, except for any species listed as Endangered/Threatened. Since non-protected turtles are not game or sport fish, there are no additional specific laws or rules regarding harvest regulations, gear, season, etc.

It is important to note that the 4 Inches Law, which prohibits the sale of any turtle with a carapace length of fewer than four inches, does not apply in Maine.

Businesses that wish to ship live turtles or turtle eggs out of state must obtain a permit from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The permit is required to ensure that the turtles being shipped are not protected species and are being shipped humanely.

Overall, Maine’s turtle commercialization laws aim to protect endangered and vulnerable turtle species while allowing for the personal use and taking of non-protected turtles.

The 4 Inches Law

In Maine, the 4-inch law prohibits selling, trading, or possessing turtles or tortoises under 4 inches in length. This law is in place to protect turtles and tortoises from being taken from the wild and sold as pets. It also helps prevent the spread of diseases transmitted from turtles to humans.

The 4-inch law applies to all turtles and tortoises except marine species. This includes all animals commonly known as turtles, tortoises, and terrapins. The law applies to all other animals of the order Testudinata, class Reptilia.

It is important to note that this law only applies to selling, trading, or possessing turtles or tortoises under 4 inches in length. It is not illegal to own a turtle or tortoise that is over 4 inches in length, as long as it is not an endangered species.

If you are caught violating the 4-inch law in Maine, you may be subject to fines and other penalties. It is essential to follow this law to protect the turtles and tortoises in Maine and ensure their survival for future generations.

Laws About Wild Turtles in Maine

Maine has laws that protect wild native turtles. According to Maine law, a person may not take and possess turtles from the wild for export, sale, or commercial purposes. Blanding’s Turtle, Box Turtles, Spotted Turtle, and Wood Turtles are protected species in Maine. It is illegal to sell or commercialize in any way endangered or vulnerable turtle species.

Most states, including Maine, have laws that protect wild native turtles. If it’s winter or close to winter, there is a chance that you can find a hibernating turtle. When turtles hibernate, they enter a profound sleep that allows them to conserve energy.

Maine Audubon recommends drivers slow down and be alert when driving where turtles are likely to cross roads. Turtles are most active in summer, especially in June and July. If you see a turtle crossing the road and you want to help it, make sure it is safe to do so. You can help the turtle cross the road in the direction it is heading.

You must obtain a wildlife importation permit to keep a turtle as a pet. The permit will allow you to import and possess non-protected turtles. However, it is illegal to take turtles from the wild for personal use or take endangered/threatened species.

In Maine, there are no specific harvest regulations for non-protected turtles. However, it is illegal to sell or commercialize in any way any of the seven sea turtle species: Loggerhead turtles, Green sea turtles, Leatherback turtles, Hawksbill turtles, Kemp’s ridley turtles, Olive ridley turtles, and Flatback turtles.

Native Species

Maine is home to seven native turtle species, including the Blanding’s turtle, Eastern box turtle, spotted turtle, common musk turtle, common snapping turtle, Eastern painted turtle, and wood turtle. Each species has unique characteristics and plays a vital role in the ecosystem.

The painted turtle is one of the most common turtle species in Maine. They are aquatic turtles and can be found in various freshwater habitats. They have a distinctive appearance with a dark olive or black shell and bright red or orange markings on their underside. Painted turtles are omnivores and feed on various aquatic plants, insects, and small animals.

The Blanding’s turtle is a threatened species in Maine and is protected by state law. They are medium-sized turtles with a distinctive yellow throat and chin. Blanding’s turtles are semi-aquatic and can be found in wetlands and shallow waters. They are omnivores and feed on a variety of plants and animals.

The Eastern box turtle is a small terrestrial turtle found in various habitats, including forests, fields, and wetlands. They have a distinctive domed shell and can be easily identified by their bright orange or yellow eyes. Eastern box turtles are omnivores and feed on various plants, insects, and small animals.

The spotted turtle is a small, semi-aquatic turtle in wetlands and shallow waters. They have a distinctive black shell with yellow spots and a bright red or orange underside. Spotted turtles are omnivores and feed on a variety of plants and animals.

The musk turtle is a small, semi-aquatic turtle that can be found in a variety of freshwater habitats. They have a distinctive musky odor and are often mistaken for small rocks or debris. Musk turtles are omnivores and feed on a variety of plants and animals.

The common snapping turtle is a giant aquatic turtle that can be found in a variety of freshwater habitats. They have a distinctive, powerful bite and are often considered a nuisance by fishermen and swimmers. Common snapping turtles are omnivores and feed on various plants and animals.

The wood turtle is a medium-sized terrestrial turtle found in various habitats, including forests, fields, and wetlands. They have a distinctive brown or black shell with a bright orange or yellow underside. Wood turtles are omnivores and feed on a variety of plants and animals.

It is important to note that some turtle species, such as the red-eared slider, are not native to Maine and should not be released into the wild. Additionally, some turtle species, such as the Blanding’s turtle, are protected by state law and should not be disturbed or collected without a permit.

Laws About Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are protected by law in the United States and its waters under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The ESA lists the hawksbill, leatherback, Kemp’s ridley, and green turtle as endangered, while the loggerhead is listed as threatened. It is illegal to harm, harass, or kill any sea turtles, hatchlings, or their eggs.

A wildlife importation permit is required to import or export sea turtles or their products. The permit is issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and is necessary for any person or business that wishes to import or export wildlife.

Sea turtle species are protected by federal law, and owning any of the seven sea turtle species is illegal without a federal permit. The seven species are Loggerhead turtles, Green sea turtles, Leatherback turtles, Hawksbill turtles, Kemp’s ridley turtles, Olive ridley turtles, and Flatback turtles.

Endangered turtle species are also protected by law, and it is illegal to own them without a license or permit from the state.

Sea turtles are critically endangered, and their conservation status is a matter of concern. The federal government has implemented several conservation strategies to protect sea turtles, including creating protected areas and regulating fishing practices.

In conclusion, sea turtles are protected by law in the United States, and it is illegal to harm, harass, or kill them. Importing or exporting sea turtles or their products requires a wildlife importation permit issued by the FWS. Owning any of the seven sea turtle species without a federal permit is illegal, and endangered turtle species are also protected by law. The conservation of sea turtles is a matter of concern, and the federal government has implemented several strategies to protect them.

Why Those Laws Exist

Turtles are fascinating creatures that have been around for millions of years. Unfortunately, many turtle species face numerous threats, including habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and overexploitation. In Maine, seven different sea turtle species are endangered or vulnerable. As a result, they are protected by law, and it is illegal to own or commercialize sea turtles, no matter which species it is. It is also against the law to destroy or disturb sea turtles’ nests.

Maine’s turtle laws aim to protect these amazing creatures from extinction. The laws aim to conserve and manage turtle populations and protect the habitats they depend on. By doing so, Maine’s turtle populations can be sustained for future generations.

The laws also help to regulate the harvest and personal use of turtles. While personal use/take of non-protected turtles is allowed and legal in Maine, any species listed as endangered or threatened are protected, and it is against the law to harvest or possess them. Since non-protected turtles are not game or sport fish, there are no additional specific laws or rules regarding harvest regulations, gear, season, etc.


In conclusion, Maine has strict laws to protect its turtle populations. All seven species of sea turtles are protected by law, and it is illegal to own or commercialize them. It is also illegal to destroy or disturb their nests. In addition, eight species of semi-aquatic turtles inhabit various regions and ecosystems across the state.

To protect Maine’s turtle populations, individuals can take simple steps such as slowing down in high turtle crossing areas and helping turtles to the other side of the road. It is important to note that habitat loss and development are the biggest threats to turtles in Maine, and efforts should be made to protect their natural habitats.

While personal use and take of non-protected turtles is allowed and legal in Maine, any species listed as endangered or threatened are prohibited. It is crucial to abide by these laws and regulations to ensure the conservation of these critical species.

Maine’s turtle laws aim to protect and conserve its diverse populations. By following these laws and taking simple actions to protect turtles, we can help ensure their survival for generations.


If you want to learn more about Maine’s turtle laws or how you can help protect turtles in the state, several resources are available.

  • Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife: The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW) is the state agency responsible for managing Maine’s fish and wildlife resources, including turtles. Their website provides a wealth of information on Maine’s turtle species, their habitats, conservation efforts, and information on hunting and trapping regulations. The IFW also offers educational programs and materials for schools and community groups.

By utilizing these resources, you can become more informed about Maine’s turtle laws and conservation efforts and actively protect these critical species.

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