Michigan Turtle Laws Explained: Keeping Turtles as Pets



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Michigan has a diverse range of turtle species that are an important part of the state’s ecosystems. However, there are laws in place to protect these animals and regulate their sale and use. As defined by Michigan law, the term “turtles” includes all animals commonly known as turtles, tortoises, terrapins, and all other animals of the order Testudinata, class Reptilia, except marine species (families Dermochelyidae and Cheloniidae).

It is important for Michigan residents to understand the laws surrounding turtles to avoid any legal issues. The sale of turtles is generally prohibited, but there are exemptions for bona fide scientific, educational, or exhibition purposes. Additionally, there are restrictions on the taking of certain turtle species for personal use.

Turtle Ownership Laws

Michigan Turtle Laws

In Michigan, it is legal to own turtles as pets, but certain species are protected by law and cannot be kept as pets. It is essential to ensure that the turtle species you plan to keep as a pet is not endangered and is legal to own.

There are no specific laws that require you to have parental documentation or proof of purchase for pet turtles. However, it is always a good idea to keep a record of where you bought the turtle and any relevant information about its species and health.

It is illegal to buy, sell, or offer for sale any reptiles or amphibians taken for personal use in Michigan. This means that you cannot sell your pet turtle or offer it for sale to anyone else.

If you plan to buy a turtle, it is essential to ensure that you are purchasing it from a legitimate source. Michigan law requires that sellers of small turtles and viable turtle eggs for scientific, educational, or exhibition purposes provide the purchaser with a copy of a health advisory sheet.

Turtle Commercialization Laws

Michigan has strict laws regarding the commercialization of turtles. The state prohibits the sale of turtles for commercial purposes, except for scientific, educational, or exhibition purposes. The Department of Natural Resources is responsible for enforcing these laws.

The sale or distribution of turtle eggs or live turtles is also regulated under Michigan law. Sellers of small turtles and viable turtle eggs for legitimate scientific, educational, or exhibition purposes must provide the purchaser(s) with a copy of the health advisory sheet required by law. This sheet provides important information about the risks associated with handling turtles and how to prevent the spread of diseases.

It is illegal to import native turtles into Michigan for commercial purposes. Store-bought turtles must also comply with Michigan’s laws and regulations. Individuals are limited to possessing no more than four turtles of any species, with a maximum possession limit of eight turtles. The daily bag limit for turtles is two, and they may only be taken by hand, trap, or seines.

The 4 Inches Law

The 4 Inches Law is a regulation that was passed by the US government in 1975 to protect sea turtle eggs, reduce environmental damage, and reduce health risks. This law makes it illegal to sell turtles that are smaller than 4 inches. The law was enacted to address the issue of turtles being sold as pets when they were too small and vulnerable to survive in captivity.

The carapace length of a turtle is an important factor in determining whether it can be sold legally. The carapace length is the length of a turtle’s shell from front to back. Turtles with shells that are shorter than 4 inches are considered juveniles and cannot be sold legally.

Live turtles and viable turtle eggs are also subject to the 4 Inches Law. The sale of small turtles and viable turtle eggs is illegal in the US because turtles can carry a germ called Salmonella. Only purchase turtles with shells longer than four inches. The only exemptions for the sale of small turtles and viable turtle eggs are for legitimate scientific purposes.

It is important to note that the 4 Inches Law applies to all turtles, not just sea turtles. The law includes all animals commonly known as turtles, tortoises, terrapins, and all other animals of the order Testudinata, class Reptilia, except marine species (families Dermochelyidae and Chelonidae).

Laws About Wild Turtles

Michigan has laws in place to protect wild turtles, which includes all animals commonly known as turtles, tortoises, terrapins, and all other animals of the order Testudinata, class Reptilia, except marine species (families Dermochelyidae and Cheloniidae).

In Michigan, it is illegal to take or possess any wild-caught turtle species, including native reptiles, without a permit. This includes taking turtles from the wild for personal use or for commercial purposes. It is also unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or purchase any wild-caught turtles or their eggs.

Federal law also regulates the taking and possession of wild turtles. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regulates the interstate and international transportation of live turtles, turtle eggs, and products made from turtles. It is illegal to import or export turtles or turtle products without a permit.

However, there are some exceptions to the law. Unprotected wild-caught turtles can be taken with an all-species fishing license for personal use. The North American wood, Eastern box, Blanding’s turtle, and Spotted turtle are protected species and cannot be taken.

Native Turtle Species in Michigan

Michigan is home to ten native species of turtles, each displaying unique characteristics and adaptations. Some of these species are categorized as threatened or of special concern, with specific regulations instituted for their protection.

Special Concern Species

  • Eastern Box Turtle: Classified as a species of special concern in Michigan, it is recognized by its distinctive shell pattern and can live up to 100 years in the wild.
  • Spotted Turtle: Also of special concern, this species is easily identifiable by its yellow spots on a black background.
  • Blanding’s Turtle: This species, of special concern, is recognized for its bright yellow throat and chin. It can live up to 80 years in the wild.

Common Species

  • Snapping Turtle: A common sight in Michigan’s lakes and rivers. The largest freshwater turtle in the state, it can grow up to 18 inches in length.
  • Painted Turtle: Widespread and can be found in a variety of habitats, including ponds, lakes, and marshes.
  • Common Map Turtle: Widespread and can be found in rivers and large lakes.
  • Common Musk Turtle: A small species often found in shallow, slow-moving water.
  • Common Snapping Turtle: Known for its large size and aggressive behavior, this species is common in Michigan.

Threatened Species

  • Wood Turtle: A threatened species in Michigan, easily identifiable by its dark brown shell with yellow lines.
  • North American Wood Turtle: Also threatened, this species is known for its distinct red eyes.

Non-Native and Other Native Species

  • Red-eared Slider: Although not native to Michigan, it is often kept as a pet and can be found in the wild.
  • Eastern Spiny Softshell and Midland Painted Turtle: Native to Michigan, these species can be found in rivers and lakes.
  • Spiny Soft-shell Turtle: Can be found in Michigan’s waterways.

Laws About Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are an important part of the ecosystem and are protected by law in the United States. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) lists the hawksbill, leatherback, Kemp’s ridley, and green turtle as endangered, while the loggerhead is listed as threatened. It is illegal to harm, harass, or kill any sea turtles, hatchlings, or their eggs.

In addition to the ESA, there are other laws in place to protect sea turtles. The 4 Inches Law, passed by the US government in 1975, makes it illegal to sell turtles that are smaller than 4 inches. This law aims to protect sea turtle eggs, reduce environmental damage, and reduce health risks.

Sea turtles face many threats, including habitat loss, pollution, and predators. Nesting sites are particularly vulnerable, as they are often located on beaches that are popular with humans. It is important to respect nesting sites and avoid disturbing them.

Sea turtles have unique physical characteristics, such as their shell, carapace, and beak, that help them survive in their habitat. The shell provides protection from predators, while the carapace helps regulate body temperature. The beak is adapted for eating a diet of jellyfish, seaweed, and other marine life.

Why Those Laws Exist

Michigan has several laws in place to regulate the sale, possession, and transportation of turtles. These laws exist to protect both the turtles and the environment they live in. Some of the reasons for these laws include:

  • Disease prevention: Turtles can carry harmful diseases such as salmonella, which can be transmitted to humans. The 4 Inches Law, which makes it illegal to sell turtles smaller than 4 inches, helps prevent the spread of disease by reducing the number of turtles that are sold as pets.
  • Environmental protection: Turtles play an important role in the ecosystem, and their removal can have negative impacts on the environment. Michigan has bag and possession limits for unprotected turtles, and it is illegal to take certain species, such as the North American wood turtle, Eastern box turtle, Blanding’s turtle, and Spotted turtle.
  • Captive breeding programs: Michigan allows for the captive breeding of turtles, which helps reduce the demand for wild-caught turtles. This helps protect wild turtle populations and ensures that turtles sold as pets are healthy and disease-free.
  • Unintentional trapping: Michigan has regulations in place to prevent the unintentional trapping of turtles. For example, it is illegal to use seines, hand nets, hook-and-line, firearms, bows and arrows, or crossbows to take turtles. This helps prevent accidental deaths and injuries to turtles.
  • Protection of non-native species: Non-native turtle species can have negative impacts on the environment and native wildlife. Michigan has laws in place to regulate the possession and transportation of non-native turtles to prevent their introduction into the wild.
  • Physical exams: Turtles sold as pets in Michigan must undergo a physical exam by a licensed veterinarian to ensure they are healthy and disease-free. This helps prevent the spread of disease and ensures that turtles sold as pets are healthy and well-cared for.
  • Intermingling of turtles: Turtles purchased from legal sources outside Michigan can be legally possessed, but they cannot be released into the wild. This helps prevent the introduction of non-native species into the wild and helps protect native turtle populations.
  • Breeding restrictions: Turtles that are purchased or intermingled with store-bought turtles cannot be released into the wild under any circumstances. This helps prevent the unintentional breeding of turtles and helps protect wild turtle populations.


In conclusion, Michigan has various laws in place to protect turtles and their habitats. It is essential to follow these laws to ensure the safety and survival of these creatures.

One of the most crucial laws is the 4 Inches Law, which prohibits the sale of turtles smaller than 4 inches. This law aims to reduce environmental damage and health risks associated with turtle ownership. Additionally, Michigan requires a health advisory sheet to be provided when selling turtle eggs or live turtles.

Michigan’s ten species of turtles are an essential part of the state’s ecosystems, and it is crucial to preserve and protect them. Turtles can survive in various habitats, including woodlands, grasslands, lakes, rivers, wetlands, and cities.


If you’re interested in learning more about Michigan turtle laws, there are several resources available to you. Here are a few:

  • Michigan Department of Natural Resources: The DNR’s website has a wealth of information about Michigan’s native turtles, including their habitats, diets, and behaviors. You can also find information about turtle conservation efforts and how to report turtle sightings.

  • Michigan State University Extension: MSU Extension offers a variety of resources for those interested in learning more about Michigan’s turtles. Their website includes fact sheets about each of the state’s native turtle species, as well as information about turtle research and conservation efforts.
  • Michigan Turtle and Tortoise Rescue: This nonprofit organization is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating injured and abandoned turtles and tortoises in Michigan. Their website includes information about the state’s turtle species, as well as tips for how to care for pet turtles responsibly.

By using these resources, you can become a more knowledgeable and responsible turtle owner or enthusiast. Remember to always follow Michigan’s turtle laws and do your part to protect these important creatures and their habitats.

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