Tennessee has laws in place to protect its turtle population. These laws aim to prevent environmental damage, reduce health risks, and safeguard turtle eggs. The regulations are designed to regulate the sale and harvest of turtles and the methods used to catch them.
One of the most important laws is the 4 Inches Law. It makes it illegal to sell turtles that are smaller than 4 inches. This law was passed in 1975, and it helps to protect sea turtle eggs. The daily limit for turtle harvest in Tennessee is 5, with a minimum legal length of 12 inches. It is determined by measuring the upper shell in a straight line from the scute directly behind the turtle’s head to the base of the notch where the two most posterior scutes meet.
Turtle Ownership Laws in Tennessee

If you’re considering owning a turtle in Tennessee, it’s important to know the laws and regulations surrounding turtle ownership. In Tennessee, it is legal to own most common species of turtles as pets, with a few exceptions. Endangered species are protected by law and cannot be owned as pets.
According to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA), only the common snapping turtle may be taken year-round and statewide without limit by any legal commercial fishing method. However, turtles taken by sport fishing methods may not be sold.
It’s important to note that a sport fishing license is required to take common snapping turtles in Tennessee. Additionally, shooting with any type of firearm or air gun is prohibited.
If you’re interested in owning a turtle for pet-keeping purposes, it’s important to research the specific species you’re interested in and ensure that it is legal to own in Tennessee. The TWRA provides a list of species that are legal to own in the state.
Turtle Commercialization Laws in Tennessee
In Tennessee, it is illegal to commercially harvest turtles without a commercial fishing license. Additionally, a commercial fisher with a valid commercial fishing license and a valid commercial turtle permit must be present to commercially harvest turtles from the waters of the state. Commercial fishers can obtain a free commercial turtle permit from TWRA by written request.
Tennessee also has strict regulations on the sale of turtles. It is illegal to sell or offer to sell turtles without a commercial fishing license. Turtles taken by sport fishing methods may not be sold. Furthermore, it is prohibited to shoot turtles with any type of firearm or air gun.
The state of Tennessee has set a daily limit for the common snapping turtle, which is the only turtle species that can be taken by sport fishing methods. Common snapping turtles may be taken by traps and all legal sport fishing methods except archery, spearguns, and dipping.
It is important to note that alligator snapping turtles are listed in Tennessee as state threatened and are illegal to take. These turtles have three large prominent ridges along the back and a prominently hooked beak. Often reaching weights in excess of 30 pounds.
To possess turtles in Tennessee, individuals must comply with the state’s legal length and minimum legal length requirements. These requirements vary by species and can be found on the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency website.
The 4 Inches Law
The 4 Inches Law is a regulation passed by the US government in 1975 to protect sea turtle eggs, reduce environmental damage, and minimize health risks. This law makes it illegal to sell turtles that are smaller than 4 inches in length, measured from the front of the carapace to the back.
The law applies to all species of turtles, including those bred in captivity, and is enforced by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. It is important to note that the law only applies to the sale of turtles and does not prohibit their possession as pets.
The reason for this law is that turtles smaller than 4 inches are more likely to carry salmonella bacteria, which can cause serious illness in humans, especially children. The bacteria can be transmitted through contact with turtle feces, water, or surfaces that have come into contact with turtles.
It is also important to note that the 4 Inches Law applies to online pet stores and breeders, as well as brick-and-mortar stores. However, there are some exemptions for educational and scientific purposes, as well as for certain native species.
Laws About Wild Turtles in Tennessee
In Tennessee, the laws regarding wild turtles are outlined in the Tennessee Code Annotated Title 70, Chapter 4. According to this section, all animals commonly known as turtles, tortoises, terrapins, and all other animals of the order Testudinata, class Reptilia, except marine species (families Dermochelyidae and Cheloniidae) are included in the term “turtles.”
It is illegal to sell wild turtles in Tennessee, and it is also illegal to possess or transport them without a permit. The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) issues permits for the possession and transportation of wild turtles for scientific, educational, or exhibition purposes.
Several species of turtles are classified as state threatened in Tennessee, including the Eastern Box Turtle and the Spiny Softshell. It is illegal to take, possess, transport, or sell state threatened species without a permit from the TWRA.
The TWRA also regulates the harvesting of common snapping turtles. Common snapping turtles may be taken by all legal sport fishing methods except archery, spear guns, and dipping. Shooting with any type of firearm or air gun is also prohibited.
It is important to note that any program using live wildlife originating from the wild in Tennessee must be done at no charge, which would include an exchange for goods or services.
Native Species for Tennessee
Tennessee is home to a diverse range of turtle species, with 21 native species in the state. Most of these species are semi-aquatic or fully aquatic turtles in or near major river systems such as the Cumberland, Mississippi, and Tennessee Rivers.
Some of the most common native turtle species in Tennessee include:
- Common Snapping Turtle
- Alligator Snapping Turtle
- Bog Turtle
- Eastern Mud Turtle
- Eastern Painted Turtle
- Southern Painted Turtle
- Ouachita Map Turtle
- River Cooter
- Eastern Box Turtle
- Smooth Softshell
- Bog Turtles
- Eastern Musk Turtle
- Northern Map Turtle
- False Map Turtle
- Three-toed Box Turtle
It is important to note that many of these species are protected under Tennessee state law, and it is illegal to harm or collect them without a permit. It is also essential to know the specific regulations surrounding each species, as some may have additional protections or restrictions.
For example, the Bog Turtle is listed as a federally threatened species, while the Alligator Snapping Turtle is listed as a state-threatened species in Tennessee. Additionally, regulations surrounding the collection of Common Snapping Turtles limit the number that can be taken daily to five.
Tennessee Laws About Sea Turtles
Tennessee has laws in place to protect sea turtles, reduce environmental damage, and minimize health risks. The state has strict regulations regarding the sale and harvest of turtles.
The “4 Inches Law” makes it illegal to sell turtles that are smaller than 4 inches. This regulation was passed in 1975 by the US government to protect sea turtle eggs. Violating this law can result in fines and even imprisonment.
Tennessee also has specific regulations for turtle harvest. The daily limit is 5 with a minimum legal length of 12 inches. The length is determined by measuring the upper shell in a straight line from the scute directly behind the turtle’s head (nuchal scute) to the base of the notch where the two most posterior scutes meet. These regulations help to ensure that turtle populations remain healthy and sustainable.
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) is responsible for enforcing these laws and regulations. They work to protect and conserve Tennessee’s wildlife resources, including sea turtles. The TWRA also provides resources and information to the public on how to safely interact with turtles and other wildlife.
Why Those Laws Exist
Tennessee has several laws in place that regulate the ownership, sale, and harvest of turtles. These laws are designed to protect the state’s turtle populations, prevent the spread of diseases, and ensure that turtles are treated humanely.
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) is responsible for enforcing these laws and regulating the state’s turtle populations. Some of the main reasons why these laws exist include:
Protection of Turtle Populations
Turtles are an important part of Tennessee’s ecosystem, and they play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the state’s wildlife populations. However, over-harvesting, habitat loss, and pollution have all contributed to declines in turtle populations in recent years. The laws that regulate turtle harvest and ownership are designed to help protect these populations and ensure their long-term survival.
Prevention of Disease
Turtles can carry a variety of diseases that can be harmful to humans, including Salmonella. The laws that regulate the sale and ownership of turtles are designed to prevent the spread of these diseases and protect public health.
Humane Treatment of Turtles
Turtles are living creatures, and they deserve to be treated humanely. The laws that regulate the sale and ownership of turtles are designed to ensure that turtles are not mistreated or subjected to inhumane conditions.
In conclusion, Tennessee has strict laws and regulations in place to protect its native turtle species. It is important for individuals to be aware of these laws and to follow them to ensure the conservation of these animals.
Some key takeaways from the Tennessee Turtle Laws include:
- All turtles, tortoises, terrapins, and other animals of the order Testudinata are protected under the law, except for marine species.
- It is illegal to sell, purchase, or transport native turtles without a permit.
- Common snapping turtles can be taken by legal sport fishing methods, except for archery, spear guns, and dipping.
- Shooting with any type of firearm or air gun is prohibited.
It is important to note that violating these laws can result in fines and even imprisonment. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to educate themselves on the laws and regulations surrounding turtle conservation in Tennessee.
If you’re interested in learning more about Tennessee turtle laws or want to become a responsible turtle owner, there are several resources available to you. Here are some of the best ones:
- Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency: The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) is the government agency responsible for managing wildlife in the state. They have a wealth of information on their website about turtles, including identification guides, conservation efforts, and regulations. You can also contact them directly if you have any questions or concerns.
- Tennessee Herpetological Society: The Tennessee Herpetological Society (THS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the state’s study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians. They offer educational resources, field trips, events for members, and a hotline for reporting turtle sightings or issues.
- SE Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation: SEPARC is a regional network of organizations and individuals working to conserve reptiles and amphibians in the Southeastern United States. They have several resources on their website, including a list of turtle species in the region and best practices for turtle conservation.
- Local Pet Stores and Veterinarians: If you’re considering getting a pet turtle, it’s important to do your research and find a reputable source. Local pet stores and veterinarians can provide guidance on choosing the right turtle for you and ensuring that you’re meeting all legal and ethical requirements.
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